Wednesday 15 June 2011

Ian Burrell of the Independent; the man on a mission to stop UK aid to Rwanda

Ian Burrell was one of the three critics of GAVI invited on the News Night (13/06/11) to comment on its successful London conference which raised more than £2bn. The other two critics raised good points which merit consideration. But when it was the turn for Ian Burrell, instead of saying anything about GAVI he went straight for the kill attacking aid given to Rwanda repeating his lies about the so called hit men or henchmen. He intended to provoke the more intelligent and diplomatic Dr Richard Sezibara one of the three panelists. He refused to engage in such pointless conversation by simply reminding the public that Ian Burrell was not telling the truth. So Ian Burrell did not have the chance to go on with his lies.

My questions to Ian Burrell would however be, is he a journalist or an activist? Why is there so much hatred from him towards Rwanda? Are lies the norm these days especially when they are directed against an African state?What if Rwanda was not receiving aid from the UK; would Rwanda disappear from the world map? Does he think that Rwandans can't stand on their our feet? When will he stop insulting Rwandans.


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